Giveaway: Win a Mindfulness Kit for You and a Friend!

In this crazy, virus-driven alternate universe we live in, I think most of us know someone who’s struggling right now—someone who feels overwhelmed, stressed, or stuck, and maybe powerless to help themselves or change their situation.

Maybe they’d feel that way even if we weren’t a year-deep into a pandemic. Maybe they’ve always struggled with depression, or low self-esteem, or painful relationship patterns that continually cause them pain.

Or maybe you are that person. Maybe life is now challenging you more than ever before and triggering all your deepest wounds.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, when my problems seem insurmountable, I don’t want someone else to fix them for me, because I know they can’t. I just want to know that someone cares. That someone sees me—sees my pain—and they want to love me, accept me, and hold my hand as I find a way to get through it.

A simple call or text can often do the trick, but a thoughtful gift never hurts! So with this in mind, I’ve decided to give away two Mindfulness Kits today—one for the giveaway winner and one for the winner to give to a friend who could use a little relaxation and relief.

Aromatherapy and mindfulness practices, in themselves, won’t solve the varied problems many of us are facing right now. But sometimes the little things can make a huge difference—a few deep breaths at just the right time, a good night’s sleep when you feel overworked and weary, a few self-compassionate affirmations when you’re being way too hard on yourself.

These are the things that keep me going when life feels especially hard. And that’s what I hope this kit provides, with its assortment of products and practices: those tiny moments of mindful self-care that make life’s biggest challenges a little less overwhelming.

What’s in the Mindfulness Kit

The Mindfulness Kit includes:

  • A Soothing Bath & Shower Gel (to help relax your achy body and wash your worries away)
  • A Relaxing Pillow Spray (to help you unwind and sleep more deeply)
  • A Calming Essential Oil Roll On (to ease your mind, anywhere, anytime)
  • A Lychee Flower Scented Candle (to uplift your spirit and boost your mood)

It also includes three e-guides to help you make mindfulness a habit—one that explores how you can make your shower mindful, blissful, and rejuvenating; one focused on breathing practices to calm your mind; and one that outlines how to do a bedtime body scan and progressive relaxation so you can ease into sleep.

How to Enter the Giveaway

To enter to win the giveaway, all you need to do is leave a comment below, sharing an uplifting reminder that we all need right now.

It can be a quote, an affirmation, something you recently heard from someone you love—anything that might provide hope, motivation, or encouragement to someone who’s feeling down.

I will choose the winner at random on Tuesday, February 16th, and update this post at that time. Please note you’ll need to check back then to see if you’ve won so you can email me your address.

If you’d like to grab a kit for yourself or someone you love now, you can learn more and get one here (it’s on sale for $39 ‘til Valentine’s Day!)

Sending you all lots of love, my friends.

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The post Giveaway: Win a Mindfulness Kit for You and a Friend! appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

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